Thursday, February 7, 2013

Book Review: Blood Lust by T. Lynne Tolles

Blood Lust (Blood, #3)Blood Lust by T. Lynne Tolles
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The third installment in Tolles Blood Series takes us down a different path then the first two stories. While the first two books revolved around the O’Rielly sisters and the Bloomington brothers, this third book is mostly about Darby, the elder O’Rielly sister.

While it was different and I did miss the other characters, it was the most addicting book of the series. I could not put this book down and read it every second I had, finishing it in two days.
At the conclusion of the second book, in true Tolles fashion, she introduces Dominic leaving the reader to wait for book three to know what adventure Dominic brings.

Dominic is the Uncle of the Bloomington brothers who raised the boys after their parents were killed. His son is gravely ill and since Vampires cannot get sick Dominic does not know how to make him better. Against Devon’s wishes, Devon and Darby fly across the country to help Dominic. Devon is so angry he becomes cold and distant from Darby causing her to question the strength of their relationship.

No one in the family will tell Darby why Devon is so upset until Dominic’s son, Anton is nearly left for dead by his own wife. Darby starts to put the pieces together and gets Anton to confide in her about his wife. Things only get worse from there until Darby is all alone living in Massachusetts with her entire family thinking she has gone loony.

The first few chapters of the story made me wonder why a strong woman like Darby would put up with the way she was being treated. The middle chapters had me rooting for her but wondering why she didn’t use her magic to find what she was looking for. The last half of the book Tolles brought out the real Darby, the quick thinking, witty, crafty Darby the readers love redeeming any frustration from the first few chapters and making everything right again.

I look forward to reading the fourth book – Bloodstone Heart.

Again, I would recommend this to anyone over the age of 15 interested in Vampire Drama Young Adult fiction.

View all my reviews

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