Monday, January 21, 2013

Martin Luther King Jr Day

Happy Martin Luther King Jr Day everyone! This is the day we honor a man who made amazing strides with Civil Rights and ultimately gave his life for his cause.

MLK once said "What are you doing for others?" This is something I try to live by each and every day. In this busy world that is very difficult but it can be done. Donate your old clothing to a clothing closet for people in need, drop some food in the food shelf bin at your local grocery store, open door for people.

Today, is MLK Day of service. Take some time to do something for someone else, no matter now small. It truly will make you feel wonderful!

Last January when we were in New York to visit our friends we took a 24 hour trip to Washington DC. It was 2 degrees with a windchill of about -10 degree F but we were in our nations capital so we bundled up and headed out to see the memorials. We saw most of them but today I felt sharing our MLK Memorial pictures would be nice to share.

I loved this memorial and am so happy we braved the cold weather to see it. I already have plans to return on a warmer day when we can spend more time. And by then they might have the poorly paraphrased quote fixed...

Happy Martin Luther King Jr day everyone. Please remember to do something for others at some point during the day!


1 comment:

tess said...

This is such a sweet post - I've never been to the MLK memorial - it looks pretty neat!