Thursday, December 20, 2012

Acts of Kindness

As I lay here on the couch this cold, windy Thursday evening, watching Rock Center on NBC, I am finally feeling like I am being spoken to about how to make a difference in light of the horrible events in Newton CT last week.

No, not spoken too. Yelled at.

I have been hearing a lot about the 26 acts of kindness going around the internet. I didn't know where it started but I thought it was a good idea. Being so overwhelmed with this event I never did anything with it.

So here I am. Laying on the couch this cold, windy evening, the first evening of my 17 day vacation and I learn my favorite TV personality, Ann Curry is the one who started this 26 acts of kindness idea.

I felt like I was punched in the stomach. I started to cry. Then I picked up my tablet and started drafting this post.

Starting on Friday December 21st, 2012 I will hand out one act of kindness a day for the next 26 days. I will post them here and on Twitter (@HeidiNae) and if a photo goes with it you can see that on instagram (Karamae31).

I hope you follow along. This is going to be good.

Real good.


1 comment:

~Dawn~ said...

I am totally on board with this, too. I just hope that people go beyond the 26 acts of kindness and just make this a regular routine in their life. :)