Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Back on the Bandwagon

The count down is on! 72 days until our huge family vacation on Maui and I am so excited I just cannot stand it!

As you know, about a year ago I was able to say I lost 40 pounds. Today I am very happy to be able to say I kept all 40 pounds off.

It was a struggle, it wasn't always easy, but I did it!

With this looming vacation I want to lose a few more pounds. My goal is 12 pounds and to firm things back up a bit.

For me, the best way to lose pounds it to start running regularly and to watch what I eat. My challenge at this point is all the ice on roads near my house and the lack of daylight. I know I have to remove these challenges in order for this to work so Shawn and I purchased a membership to our cities Community Center where we now have access to treadmills, weight equipment, an Olympic swimming pool, and a sauna.

Being back at work means I am very busy and my time to work out is very limited so I am trying to find creative ways to make sure I do something almost every day.

Here is what this past week looked like:

Thursday -  we purchased our membership, I ran 20 minutes on the treadmill, we did a short 10 minute circuit in the Circuit Room.

Friday - 10 minute circuit at the house, 90 minutes in the pool with the kids. It was my goal to keep my feet off the bottom the entire time. That was a good workout!

Saturday - 30 minute run on the treadmill

Sunday - 20 minute circuit at home while watching The Biggest Loser (the only show I plan my life around).
This is what we did for our circuit on Sunday:
45 Jumping Jacks
15 squats
5 jumping squats
50 Russian twists
30 second planks
10 standing calf raises
10 push ups
30 seconds Superman
10 lunges (each leg)
40 crunches
Repeat entire circuit.

Monday - we did a circuit at home that really killed our abs:
100 jumping jacks
50 crunches
20 triceps dips
15 squats
20 lunges (each leg)
70 Russian twists
20 standing calf raises
10 push ups
30 second plank
10 lunge split jumps

Tuesday I had to take the day off simply because I did not have time. Between work, making dinner, and Girl Scouts, I just could not make it work. But that is okay, a rest day is good for you!

With week one in the books I am down 1 pound. 11 to go!!

Wish me luck,


Unknown said...

just stopping by to invite you to join a google plus community for Minnesota bloggers, like the two if us. If you're like me it'd be nice to have a little blogging community and maybe even meet up in real like someday! Hope to see you there! Just head to google plus and search "Minnesota blogger" in the communities. Ps- if you'd like to check out my blog, here's the address:

Ps--your blog is really fun! Congrats on the worthy lost and good luck!

Anonymous said...

With a goal like HI, you'll make your 12 lbs easy!!


Sarah said...

We're going to Maui in a few months too! It's a huge motivator to get me to work out right now. Thanks for stopping by my blog and I am following you back too!